Central Data Catalog


1 Achan, Sabastian F, Patricia Akweongo, Cornelius Debpuur, and John Cleland. "Coping strategies of young mothers at risk of HIV/AIDS in the Kassena-Nankana district of Northern Ghana." Afr J Reprod Health 13, no. 1 (2009): 61-78.
2 Achana, Fabian S, Cornelius Debpuur, Patricia Akweongo, and John Cleland. "Postpartum abstinence and risk of HIV among young mothers in the Kassena-Nankana District of Northern Ghana." Cult Health Sex 12, no. 5 (2010): 569-581.
3 Baiden, F, G Akanlu, A Hodgson, P Akweongo, C Debpuur, and F Binka. "Using lay counsellors to promote community-based voluntary counselling and HIV testing in rural northern Ghana: a baseline survey on community acceptance and stigma." J Biosoc Sci 39, no. 5 (2007): 721-733.
4 Baiden, F, Rita Baiden, J Williams, Patricia Akweongo, Christine Clerk, C Debpuur, J Philips, and A Hodgson. "Review of Antenatal-Linked Voluntary Counseling and HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons and Options for Ghana." Ghana Med J 39, no. 1 (2005): 8-13.
5 Menken, Jane, Sanjay Juvekar, Cornelius Debpuur, F Xavier Gómez­-Olivé, Alex Ezeh, Nirmala Naidoo, Nguyen Chuc, Salim Abdullah, Kathleen Kahn, Somnath Chatterji, Nawi Ng, Ayaga Bawah, Paul Kowal, Mohammad Hakimi, Fred Binka, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Osman Sankoh, Stephen M Tollman, Catherine Kyobutungi, Mathew A Mwanyangala, Hoang Van Minh, Abdur Razzaque, Kim P Streatfield, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, and Peter Byass. "Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration." Global Health Action (2010).
6 Chattopadhyay, Arpita, Michael J White, and Cornelius Debpuur. "Migrant fertility in Ghana: selection versus adaptation and disruption as causal mechanisms." Popul Stud (Camb) 60, no. 2 (2006): 189-203.
8 Debpuur, C., J. F. Phillips, E. F. Jackson, A. Nazzar, P. Ngom, and F. Binka. "The impact of the Navrongo Project on contraceptive knowledge and use, reproductive preferences, and fertility." (2002).
9 Debpuur, Cornelius, Paul Welaga, George Wak, and Abraham Hodgson. "Self-reported health and functional limitations among older people in the Kassena-Nankana District, Ghana." Glob Health Action (2010).
10 Wak, George, Paul Welaga, Cornelius Debpuur, and Abraham Hodgson. "Self-reported health and functional limitations among older people in the Kassena-Nankana District, Ghana." Global Health Action (2010).
11 Kowal, Paul, Kathleen Kahn, Nawi Ng, Nirmala Naidoo, Salim Abdullah, Ayaga Bawah, Fred Binka, Nguyen T K Chuc, Cornelius Debpuur, Alex Ezeh, F Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Mohammad Hakimi, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Sanjay Juvekar, Catherine Kyobutungi, Jane Menken, Hoang Van Minh, Mathew A Mwanyangala, Abdur Razzaque, Osman Sankoh, P Kim Streatfield, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, Peter Byass, Somnath Chatterji, and Stephen M Tollman. "Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration." Glob Health Action (2010).
12 Nattey, Cornelius, Honorati Masanja, and Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch. "Relationship between household socio-economic status and under-five mortality in Rufiji DSS, Tanzania." Glob Health Action (2013).
13 Ng, Nawi, Paul Kowal, Kathleen Kahn, Nirmala Naidoo, Salim Abdullah, Ayaga Bawah, Bawah Binka, Nguyen Chuc, Cornelius Debpuur, Thaddeus Egondi, F. Xavier Gómez-­-Olivé, Mohammad Hakimi, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Sanjay Juvekar, Catherine Kyobutungi, Hoang Van Minh, Mathew A Mwanyangala, Rose Nathan, Abdur Razzaque, Osman Sankoh, Peter Kim Streatfield, Margaret Thorogood, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, Peter Byass, Byass M Tollman, and Somnath Chatterji. "Health inequalities among older men and women in Africa and Asia: evidence from eight Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites in the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE Study." Global Health Action (2010).
14 Ng, Nawi, Paul Kowal, Kathleen Kahn, Nirmala Naidoo, Salim Abdullah, Ayaga Bawah, Fred Binka, Nguyen T K Chuc, Cornelius Debpuur, Thaddeus Egondi, F Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Mohammad Hakimi, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Sanjay Juvekar, Catherine Kyobutungi, Hoang Van Minh, Mathew A Mwanyangala, Rose Nathan, Abdur Razzaque, Osman Sankoh, P Kim Streatfield, Margaret Thorogood, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, Peter Byass, Stephen M Tollman, and Somnath Chatterji. "Health inequalities among older men and women in Africa and Asia: evidence from eight Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites in the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE Study." Glob Health Action (2010).
15 Ngom, Pierre, Cornelius Debpuur, Patricia Akweongo, Philip Adongo, and Fred N Binka. "Gate-keeping and women's health seeking behaviour in Navrongo, northern Ghana." Afr J Reprod Health 7, no. 1 (2003): 17-26.
16 Oduro, Abraham Rexford, George Wak, Daniel Azongo, Cornelius Debpuur, Peter Wontuo, Felix Kondayire, Paul Welaga, Ayaga Bawah, Alex Nazzar, John Williams, Abraham Hodgson, and Fred Binka. "Profile of the Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System." Int J Epidemiol (2012).
17 Pence, Brian Wells, Philomena Nyarko, James F Phillips, and Cornelius Debpuur. "The effect of community nurses and health volunteers on child mortality: the Navrongo Community Health and Family Planning Project." Scand J Public Health 35, no. 6 (2007): 599-608.
18 Welaga, Paul, Jens Nielsen, Martin Adjuik, Cornelius Debpuur, David A. Ross, Henrik Ravn, Christine S. Benn, and Peter Aaby. "Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations? An analysis of surveillance data from Navrongo, Ghana." Trop. Med. Int. Health (2012).